Monday, June 15, 2009

time is on my side (for now)

I’m bored and feeling something similar to “cabin fever” when I decide to venture out for a drink
on a recent Thursday night. Cursing the heavy rain and wondering if I should’ve stayed home,
I make it to my corner bar where, unbeknownst to me, I was to encounter a ray of sunshine.

Shortly after ordering my first drink, I’m approached by a cute girl who sits next to me
and introduces herself. Beth is new to the neighborhood and is ecstatically telling me
about the great deal she got on her new apt, when I jokingly call her a liar.

"Honey, you're too cute for me to lie to."

And we’re off.

Before long we’re making out, rubbing up on each other. Beth is making weekend plans for us,
asking to be sent romantic emails, and pleading with me not to tempt her into going home together.
I'm on a roll.

Finally, around 3:30 AM she decides to leave and have an old college buddy
she was hanging out with walk her home. The seed had been planted.

Or so I thought.

The following day she responds to the nice email I sent her with this:

"Great meeting you last night as well and thanks for the sweet e-mail.
I gotta say though...after thinking things through with a clearer head
I am quite reticent about the age difference (and to be perfectly honest
am just not ready yet for lovers/dating/romantic notions). I am, however,
totally down for a neighborhood friendship. So sorry to be wishy washy."

What a clown.

All I could respond was, "Ask yourself one question: Before you knew the age difference, did it matter to you?"

I’m not interested in any platonic-type relationship, so that’s that, I guess.

This latest scenario is making me rethink being honest about my age when courting 20-something girls.
Luckily, by not looking my age I can fake being ten years younger, so I guess I will. The age difference has
rarely been an issue with girls younger than me by 15 years or so—I’m currently hooking up with a girl
who’s 26, the same age as Beth—but hey, if it’s gonna prevent me from getting laid…

And the saga continues…

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