Monday, July 26, 2010

welcome to my nightmare

Someone recently mentioned watching a reality show in which some chick, while lying in bed, longingly gazes at a picture of her boyfriend from back home. She then turns and asks the dude she's been banging for a while, "Am I a bad girlfriend?"

That's it. Right there.

Monday, July 19, 2010

kids in america

For quite a few years I was surrounded by people who approached having children with same emotional commitment of taking a vacation: "Can we afford it?" "Will it interfere w/our lifestyle?" Ugh. Thankfully, I'm coming across this scenario less and less.

Yes, having kids is a huge deal financially, emotionally, etc. But I'd rather see poor people who really want to make the effort to have a family do so, as opposed to the financially stable having kids as some sort of social accoutrement. As far as I can tell, the latter leads to more fucked-in-the-head people, and don't we have enough of those already? Hell, I seem to date/hook up w/them all the time.