Monday, February 28, 2011

3 is a magic number (sorta)

After a bit of a dry spell, things have been looking up, somewhat: This past weekend I made out with 2 separate ladies at my local watering hole. The first, on Friday, was Katie; a short, full-figured actress with the face of an angel, who lives close to the bar and who I'd never met before. The following night it was Carrie, a cute waitress who is so my type: tall, thin, nice boobs and hips; "shaped like a woman", indeed. Carrie also lives nearby. I'd seen her before and wanted to meet her but the opportunity had not materialized. That all changed Saturday night when she hit on me and asked to run her fingers thru my hair. Always a good sign. (Btw, the tongue wrestling was done outside during smoke breaks each time. At the bar is a bit of a no-no. Can't be that guy too often, you know?)

All of this is well and good but I'm too old to be just making it out with 20 somethings. Some fucking is in order, right?

But I also bumped into Daisy, a chick with whom the mutual hots for each other had been evident in the past, but there was a boyfriend at the time. I hadn't seen Daisy in about 6 months but she was at the bar Friday night, having ditched the bf, some weight, and the "meh" hairdo. Obviously, I pounced in no uncertain terms. But I suspect Daisy is enjoying and taking advantage of being single and a little more attractive to the opposite sex a little too much: I could be wrong, but while she was receptive to my advances--and we made tentative plans--she gave off a "yeah, now that I'm in play, I think I'm gonna be a bit pickier" kinda vibe. Whatever. Hmm...

Things seem to be looking up, but as a good buddy said, "These are birds in the bush, and you need to get their bush in your hand." Amen, brother.

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