Monday, September 7, 2009

love and marriage

My dear friend Mr. S once told me people don’t necessarily get married when they find the right person, but instead,
once they’ve decided to get married, they generally get hitched to the next person they have a serious relationship with.

Guilty, as charged.

You see, I did exactly as Mr. S postulates and married the wrong woman. I don’t say that out of spite, but from the knowledge
that I adopted the ‘marry-the-one-who-annoys-you-the-least’ approach. Why? Because I didn’t think “the one” existed.
I believed that finding the ideal person was akin to winning the lottery. And so, I settled and ultimately paid for making such a
callous decision with a selfish, vengeful mate.

I’ve since had the pleasure of meeting and involving myself with a few incredible women that have disproved my original theory regarding matrimony. For various reasons that could not be helped these relationships did not progress in the way that
myself or these wonderful women would’ve hoped. But it changed my previous outlook on love and relationships. It also gave me hope.

Of course, I haven’t met anyone of that caliber in years, so…

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